Using Moon energy to cleanse and charge your crystals (And yourself!)

Using Moon energy to cleanse and charge your crystals (And yourself!)

The full moon is well known for its powerful energy, sending some of us a little kooky, and is well know as a way to cleanse and charge your crystals.

We are often asked what is the correct way to bathe crystals in the moonlight. I'm all about intention so if your intentions are positive you can't go wrong. If you can place them outside then go for it, otherwise window sill will be fine (this is also the safer option if you are like me and forget to bring them in lol). Mindfully place them out with love, as little rituals can strengthen your connection. Part of my ritual is to think of things I would like to release as I place each crystal out, in addition to burning bay leaves later.

Just a word of caution, remember some crystals don't like water, and too much sun exposure can damage them. So once the sun has risen and your crystals have soaked up a little bit of the suns goodness, bring them back in. And make sure to thank the moon for her healing energy.

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